Let me introduce myself

Mari in southern England

The young girl and the sea

Hi. My name is Mari. Thanks for visiting my blog. I was born in 2011 and at the time of writing this I’m almost 1.5 years old. I like to travel and my parents do as well. So far I’ve visited 3 continents and 8 countries. I’ve seen some cool things along the way and met some incredibly nice people as well.

Travelling with parents can be hard. They don’t always know what they’re doing. Travelling with me isn’t that hard but sometimes they over prepare and sometimes they under prepare. I’ve learned a lot about what to do and my Papa tells me I should share these tips about our trips on this blog. Let me know what you think.

  • Kirsten

    omg, best picture of Mari!! Love the blog layout, really nice. Looking forward to reading about Mari’s travels. :)